Driving school MKej
Your driving school at Podolí
"Driving you for success on roads"
What we offer
Refreshing lessons
Kondiční jízdy poskytují držitelům řidičských oprávnění možnost zdokonalit se v řízení nebo si osvěžit dovednosti po delší pauze.
Driving courses
We will prepare you for the exam that is necessary to obtain a B driver's license.
License exchange
Exchange of a driver's license issued by a foreign country
Why us?
Study materials
K zápisu do autoškoly obdržíte zdarma učebnici “Autoškola? Pohodlně!” k libovolnému kurzu. Získáte také přístup do online studovny, která obsahuje množství výukových videí a další studijní materiály.
Modern vehicles
As part of the training, we use modern and safe vehicles that comply with current standards and ensure maximum comfort.
No shortening
No shortening of rides or training prescribed by law is possible with us. All applicants must complete a mandatory number of rides and theory lectures that require personal attendance.
GPS outcome of every lesson
After each lesson, you will receive a record with the number of kilometers traveled, the length of the lesson and an interactive map that shows the exact route of your ride.
Our courses
25 900 Kč
1 lesson per week
24 900 Kč
2 lessons per week
30 900 Kč
Up to 6 lessons per week
Náš tým
Wrote about us
Otevírací doba kanceláře
Wednesday 3pm - 6pm
Or individually by telephone agreement.
Volat možné mezi 10:00 – 19:00
Kde nás najdete?
Driving school MKej
U Kublova 537/1
Praha 4 – Podolí
Tel.: 774 216 639
Email: info@mkej.cz
Miroslav Krajča
Odpovědná osoba
IČO: 05261180